Mirror Lake, Lake Placid, New YorkBy E Colby Munger
This posting discusses a
showcase for our next meeting and the opening of a
new challenge - "Colors." So keep reading.
For our next meeting on November 3rd we will have a showcase. Our last two showcases have been a hit. All of us has learned from the members commenting on their own images.
The deadline for submission is Monday, October 27th. That's just a few days away so find three more of your best and email them in. The meeting will start with a talk by professional photographer, Dan Beigel on "Creating a Body of Work." This is part of new initiative where volunteers provide members a portfolio review if they are interested. More on this initiative will be posted next on this blog.....stay tuned.
Showcase Submission Procedures:- Up to three JPEG image files (any size or resize to 1024pixels maximum on a side to keep the file size reasonable
- Rename the files with your name and a sequence number (i.e., john-smith-1, john-smith-2, john-smith-3)
- Email files to showcase@digitalphotoclub.us by Monday, October 27th (Don't be late)
- If you don't want your pictures in the club website gallery put the phrase "Don't publish my pictures on the club website" in your submission email.
How Showcases Work
The goal of the Showcase is to have members submit three pictures of any subject or subjects of their choice and have them projected in a slide show at a meeting. The pictures can have been taken at anytime. Each member's three images will be displayed in order and the photographer will be asked by the moderator if they would like to comment on their pictures. Each contributor will have up to one minute total to discuss their images. There is no requirement to speak but all of us would like to hear the background behind your pictures, why you selected them and what you might have learned in taking the pictures. Though your commentary is encouraged it is totally up to each contributor.
New Challenge - "Colors"
In color photography colors are a significant in the overall effect a picture has on the viewer. Vivid colors in combination their complimentary colors can provide the subject of pictures alone. But, the best use of color in all of our compositions make for the most evocative pictures. Color unrealistically over saturated or causing an overall color cast to a picture can easily diminish the desired effect. It just seemed appropriate as peak color arrives in nature at this time of year in Maryland that we see your interpretations for this challenge. I look forward to the entries.
Our first challenge had 83 images. Overall most people were pleased with the last challenge. I mentioned that the process was an experiment in progress. After getting lots of feedback, I would like to refine the format for challenges as we continue the experiment in discovering the best we can do for the club members. First, the challenge went longer than our endurance so we will still take 3 entries but I would like the submitters to rank them in the order of priority by number them 1 through 3 in the filename. The goal for next challenge will be to have about 60 images reviewed. So if we get over subscribed I will reduce the number for each submission from 3 to 2.
The second significant change is the elimination for the next challenge of having merit categories using 4 and 5 stars. We got mixed reviews both loving it and hating it. The challenge allows us to bring in experts from the outside to provide positive critique and recommendations for improving our photography. I found the reviewer to be distracted by having to think about the quantification of merit. On the other hand it would be great to have the reviewer identify those pictures found outstanding and explain why they were so effective. So.... I will ask the reviewer to make sure he or she is positive in recommended improvements and explicit in recognizing the outstanding images and the qualities that make them so. I will be looking forward to feedback from you after we try this format too.
Here is the critical information:
- Challenge Subject – Colors
- Up to 3 Pictures to be taken between October 20 and November 24, 2008
- Three JPEG image files (any size or resize to 1024pixels maximum on a side to keep the file size reasonable)
- Rename the files with your name and a sequence number in priority order (i.e., john-smith-1, john-smith-2, john-smith-3)
- Challenge Review Date – December 1, 2008
- Submission Due Date – November 24, 2008
- Email Images to: challenge@digitalphotoclub.us
- All images will be posted in a special challenge web gallery on the club website
- If you don't want your pictures in the club website gallery put the phrase "Don't publish my pictures on the club website" in your submission email.
I want to thank everyone for their feedback on challenges. I also want to acknowledge the kind words the board and I have received on the efforts so far this year. It's a good club because of great members and volunteers. Thanks.